Post Trump Utopia

Ravi N Shankar
2 min readOct 14, 2020

As we enter the fall and look toward the end of the year Covid-2020, I am starting to look forward and dream of a brighter future. With the impending funeral of the Trumpublican party in November, I was humming a Hindi song in my mind — “Tara rump, pump pump…”, with a bit of schadenfreude. Of course, with the debacle of the 2016 elections, I am much more circumspect not to celebrate prematurely. However, I have faith in the people to right the ship of the American Republic.

From the ashes of the Trumpublican party, I envision a phoenix rising, a new party that is a bit more Gandhian in its thoughts. Perhaps, a reading of the autobiography, “The story of my experiments with Truth” by Mahatma Gandhi, is warranted for the political intellect of the anti Trumpublican party that still believes in democracy. I believe, the truth always triumphs in the end. Even a single lie begets a sequence of lies as we have seen in the past 5 years, leading to a situation where truth and lies become blurred, and truth becomes a perspective. This is compounded with the evolution of social media platforms. One of the core pillars has to be to make the party more diverse, demographically speaking. This is the only way it can have any hope of being an anchor within a two party system that offers an alternative to the Democratic Party which has a wider political base. Contrition and mere slogans like “Compassionate Conservatism” or “A Thousand points of light” are not going to be enough. The party’s guiding light should be truth, fact, science and humanity in search of its new North star.

As the trumpettes aggrieve the electoral loss of their beloved leader, they are likely to seek refuge in the alternative reality of the Q-Anon movement. Perhaps leading to Trumpian politics being replaced by Q-Anon conspiracies. My utopian dream is that after a few 2-year election cycles, a new and improved party shall emerge from this cesspool.

